Assessment and Reporting
Assessment and Reporting are integral parts of the teaching and learning program at Blackwood Primary School and important aspects of the work of teachers and students.
Assessment refers to all the ways we gather information about progress in a student’s learning. Assessment tasks should reflect the objectives and criteria and be meaningful and relevant. They may include tests, observations, peer discussions, work samples, presentations/performances and projects.
Criterion-referenced assessment is the basis of all formal assessment at Blackwood Primary School.
This means that the assessment criteria are decided when planning the learning and explicitly communicated to students prior to the assessment task/s. In the PYP, teachers ensure that all assessments tasks, including prior knowledge assessments connect with the central idea and lines of inquiry.
Monitoring student progress
The school uses a range of tests to monitor and track student achievement on an annual basis. This information is entered on a school data base to keep records of student learning over time. A review committee analyses this information and support is provided if required. Standardised, diagnostic and school-designed tests include Running Records, PAT-M, Pat-R, Naplan, Crevola Oral Testing and Monitor Spelling.
When teachers and parents are concerned that students are not making adequate progress in spite of additional help, students may then be referred to a Dept for Education Guidance Officer or Speech Pathologist for further testing. Alternatively, parents may be advised to seek other private specialised testing, such as Auditory, Occupational Therapy etc.
Wider Assessment
As well as school assessments, students are assessed in years three, five and seven for National Literacy and Numeracy standards and receive reports which compare their achievement level to their state cohort and against national benchmarks.
Students at Blackwood Primary School are offered the opportunity to participate in a number of state and national tests such as the University of NSW assessments in English and Maths. Parents receive detailed reports of student results.
Student involvement
At Blackwood Primary School students are encouraged to be participants in the assessment and reporting process. This means that students have the opportunity to:
- Monitor and evaluate their own progress through self-assessment
- Reflect on their learning, including the development of IB Learner Profile attributes and PYP attitudes.
- Assess the work of their peers against agreed criteria
- Work with teachers to formulate assessment activities
- Set goals for their own learning
- Provide reflections about their learning in three-way and student-led conferences and written reports